Latest Press Releases

  1. Research // 24.02.2015

    ZEW Study on Corporate Taxation in Europe - IP Box Regimes – A Double-Edged Sword for the Treasury

    In several European countries, income from patents, trademarks or copyrights is taxed at a considerably lower rate than other income. Waiving taxes on intangible assets, governments aim to create incentives for…
  2. Research // 02.02.2015

    Carbon-Neutral Travelling Is Conquering Long-Distance Coach Market

    Carbon-neutral travelling is becoming more and more important for providers on the young German long-distance coach market. In addition to low prices, providers are increasingly trying to attract customers with…
  3. Research // 29.01.2015

    ZEW-PwC China Economic Barometer Q1 2015 - German Managers Little Satisfied With Chinese Measures Against Cyber-Crime

    Only one out of ten German managers in China thinks that Chinese laws and institutional structures protect their companies against cyber-attacks. About 60 per cent of the executives in China believe that…