1. Refereed Journal // 2006

    Additionality of Public R&D Grants in a Transition Economy: The Case of Eastern Germany

    This paper examines the input and output additionality of public R&D subsidies in Western and Eastern Germany. We estimate the impact of public R&D grants on firms' R&D and innovation input. Based on the results…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2006

    European Schemes of Social Assistance: An Empirical Analysis of Set-Ups and Distributive Impacts

    This paper analyses the distributive impacts of various statutory and institutional settings of European schemes of social assistance. For this purpose, two sets of classifications of European schemes of social…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2005

    Concubinage or marriage? Informal and formal cooperations for innovation

    Based on a sample of German innovating firms that contains information on formal and informal innovation cooperation between customers and suppliers, we state that firms perceive informal cooperation as being…