When firms are forced to publicly disclose financial information, credit rating agencies are generally expected to improve their risk assessments. Theory predicts such an information quality effect but also…
We analyze variation in firm performance as a function of the international diversification of ICT imports by firms. Drawing on administrative data from 2010 and 2014 on nearly 4000 German manufacturing firms,…
Combinatorial auctions, which allow bidders to bid not only on individual items but also on packages of items and to express complementary and substitute relationships between items, have rarely been used for…
Does large-scale refugee immigration affect crime rates in receiving countries? We address this question based on the large and unexpected refugee inflow to Germany that peaked in 2015–2016. Arriving refugees…
In recent years, transportation network companies (TNCs) have grown rapidly. However, with the high intensity of competition caused by multi-homing and low switching costs, providers like Uber and Lyft have yet…