Mobile Arbeitsformen aus Sicht von Betrieben und Beschäftigten: Homeoffice bietet Vorteile, hat aber auch Tücken
Discussion and Working Paper // 2019The ongoing digitisation of workplaces is accompanied by a public debate about the pros and cons of mobile work arrangements. Employees working off-site, however, are still a minority among all employees. In Germany, around a quarter of establishments provide mobile work arrangements for their employees. Only 10 per cent of the employees actually work from home, though – and some of them, only occasionally. This raises the question of why mobile work is not more prevalent even when the conditions are available for it. With a special focus on working-from-home arrangements, the authors use representative employer and employee surveys to investigate the recent prevalence and intensity of mobile work in general. The advantages and disadvantages of working-from-home are shown, and various explanations for the low level of mobile work arrangements are discussed.
Grunau, Philipp, Kevin Ruf, Susanne Steffes and Stefanie Wolter (2019), Mobile Arbeitsformen aus Sicht von Betrieben und Beschäftigten: Homeoffice bietet Vorteile, hat aber auch Tücken, IAB Kurzberichte, Nürnberg