ZEW Discussion Papers


Researchers at the ZEW participate in scientific debates by publishing their papers. The papers are predominantly in English (marked). For the German papers an English abstract is available. The contributions are intended for a final publication in special interest titles. The discussion papers can be downloaded as PDF or PostScript files starting from 1.1.1998. They aimed at national and international target groups.

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-010 // 2010

    Entry and Competition in Freight Transport: The Case of a Prospective Transalpine Rail Link Between France and Italy

    The Alps have long posed challenges to European transport infrastructure planners. Overcoming this immense bottleneck is only possible via arduous travels across high-altitude Alpine passes or through road and…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-009 // 2010

    The Aggregate Le Chatelier Samuelson Principle with Cournot Competition

    In a market in which firms have market power, the impact of a change in wages on labour demand is not easily determined. Indeed, if after a decrease in wages one firm chooses to increase labour demand for…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-008 // 2010

    Does Immigration Weaken Natives' Support for the Welfare State? Evidence from Germany

    Using data from the 1997 and 2002 waves of the German Socio-Economic Panel and from official statistics, the present paper studies whether natives are less supportive of state help for the unemployed in regions…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-007 // 2010

    You Can't Be Happier than Your Wife: Happiness Gaps and Divorce

    This paper asks whether the gap in subjective happiness between spouses matters per se for a couple's risk of separation. We use three panel databases to explore this question. Controlling for the level of life…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-006 // 2010

    Stability and Explanatory Power of Inequality Aversion – An Investigation of the House Money Effect

    Theories of fairness preferences have gained remarkable attention throughout much of recent economic literature. Formal models have been proposed which are able to explain behaviour that is yet unexplained by…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-005 // 2010

    Spatial Model Selection and Spatial Knowledge Spillovers: A Regional View of Germany

    Knowledge and technological change are often assumed to be the driving forces for long run economic growth. Regions with a higher level of knowledge compared to other regions exhibit a higher per-capita income…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-001 // 2010

    What Lures Cross-Border Venture Capital Inflows?

    The change in the business model of venture capitalists from investing locally towards investing across borders started to intensify in the late 1990s. Compared to domestic investments, cross-border investments…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-004 // 2010

    Further Evidence on the (In-) Efficiency of the U.S. Housing Market

    Research in real estate finance and economics has been dealing with the topic of efficiency in the U.S. housing market for over 25 years. However, most recent research either examines local markets based on…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-003 // 2010

    Female Labor Force Participation and the Big Five

    In this paper, we analyze the role of personality traits for female labor force participation. While research on the role of cognitive skills for individual labor market success has a long tradition in…

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Kerstin Heres

Kerstin Heres

Information and Knowledge Management, Sales Email kerstin.heres@zew.de Phone +49 (0)621 1235-130
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