ZEW Discussion Papers


Researchers at the ZEW participate in scientific debates by publishing their papers. The papers are predominantly in English (marked). For the German papers an English abstract is available. The contributions are intended for a final publication in special interest titles. The discussion papers can be downloaded as PDF or PostScript files starting from 1.1.1998. They aimed at national and international target groups.

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-028 // 2010

    The Role of Parental Investments for Cognitive and Noncognitive Skill Formation – Evidence for the First 11 Years of Life

    Skill gaps often arise already immediately after birth and increase during childhood long before formal education starts. Thus, early family environment can explain a crucial part of skill heterogeneity among…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-027 // 2010

    Temporary Extra Jobs for Immigrants: Merging Lane to Employment or Dead-End Road in Welfare?

    In the context of a substantial welfare reform in 2005, a new employment program has been introduced in Germany, the so-called Temporary Extra Jobs. These jobs provide temporary work opportunities in the public…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-026 // 2010

    Business Closure and Financial Loss: Who Foots the Bill? Evidence from German Small Business Closures

    Many new firms do not survive the first years in business. Even though, the financial risk for the parties that have a financial stake in the business (i.e. owners, lending institutions and other creditors, such…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-025 // 2010

    Loan Availability and Investment – Can Innovative Companies Better Cope with Loan Denials?

    Access to external financing is of high importance to companies for the financing of fixed investments. Investment in fixed assets occurs in irregular intervals and requires relatively large amounts of…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-024 // 2010

    The Labour Share of Income: Heterogeneous Causes for Parallel Movements?

    Declining labour shares in a large number of countries, particularly in continental Europe, have renewed the academic and political debate about the factors which explain these downward trends. While the share…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-023 // 2010

    Readdressing the Trade Effect of the Euro: Allowing for Currency Misalignment

    The run-up to the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) of the EU has been dominated by tension between a big aspiration and a big concern. The aspiration was that a common currency would reinvigorate the single…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-022 // 2010

    99 Cent: Price Points in E-Commerce

    This paper attempts to shed light on the pricing behaviour of firms or sellers in market places with price competition. In particular, it aims at testing the mechanism that lies at the heart of one of the most…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-021 // 2010

    Short-Term Training Programs for Immigrants: Do Effects Differ from Natives and Why?

    Labor market integration of immigrants provides a difficulty in many countries. As a consequence, immigrants are substantially overrepresented in welfare systems. Despite forming a substantial share of all…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-020 // 2010

    Tax Compliance Under Tax Regime Changes

    Changes to the degree of a tax system’s progressiveness are a key element of many introduced or considered tax reforms. Especially, flat tax reforms have received increasing attention resulting from their…

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Kerstin Heres

Kerstin Heres

Information and Knowledge Management, Sales Email kerstin.heres@zew.de Phone +49 (0)621 1235-130
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