ZEW Discussion Papers


Researchers at the ZEW participate in scientific debates by publishing their papers. The papers are predominantly in English (marked). For the German papers an English abstract is available. The contributions are intended for a final publication in special interest titles. The discussion papers can be downloaded as PDF or PostScript files starting from 1.1.1998. They aimed at national and international target groups.

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-100 // 2008

    Initial Risk Matrix, Home Resources, Ability Development and Children's Achievement

    Deep-seated capabilities formed in early childhood, a period of dramatic growth and need for intensive interaction with an "invested adult", may have long-term implications for human development and personality.…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-099 // 2008

    Ex Post Regulation Facilitates Collusion

    Deregulation and privatization of public utilities in grid-based industries raises the question on how to provide an efficient access to the network infrastructure to entering service providers. Often the…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-098 // 2008

    Do Shorter Product Cycles Induce Patent Thickets?

    The traditional argument that shorter product cycles favor trade secrets over patenting is based on the presumption that copying becomes less pro table and trade secrets less likely to be discovered when a…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-097 // 2008

    Sectoral Differences in Wage Freezes and Wage Cuts: Evidence from a New Firm Survey

    Downward rigid wages are of major importance in economic policy and are severely discussed in the public. Especially in Germany, where the nominal wage level is above that of its main international competitors,…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-096 // 2008

    Is it Who You Ask or How You Ask? Findings of a Meta-Analysis on Genetically Modified Food Valuation Studies

    The introduction of genetically modified (GM) content in food products has been the object of controversial debates in several countries for more than a decade. Opponents warn against potential dangers to the…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-095 // 2008

    Alleviating Adverse Implications of EU Climate Policy on Competitiveness: The Case for Border Tax Adjustments or the Clean Development Mechanism?

    In March 2007, the European Council has agreed upon ambitious climate and energy policy targets for the period after the expiry of the Kyoto Protocol in the year 2012. It envisages reducing greenhouse gas…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-094 // 2008

    Firm Closure, Financial Losses and the Consequences for an Entrepreneurial Restart

    Individuals who want to become entrepreneurs need to spend time on an important aspect: risk. They risk not only their financial well-being, their career, their family relations, but also their physical…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-093 // 2008

    Is Temporary Employment a Stepping Stone for Unemployed School Leavers?

    Many school-leavers enter the labour market via temporary employment. As employers could exploit the weak bargaining position of job starters, fixed-term contracts at the beginning of the labour market career…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-092 // 2008

    Innovation Success of Non-R&D-Performers - Substituting Technology by Management in SMEs

    This paper investigates the role of research and development (R&D) and innovation management for innovation success in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). While there is little doubt about the…

Contact for orders

Kerstin Heres

Kerstin Heres

Information and Knowledge Management, Sales Email kerstin.heres@zew.de Phone +49 (0)621 1235-130
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