1. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2003

    Einstiegsgeld in Baden-Württemberg

  2. Refereed Journal // 2003

    Transaction Costs of the Kyoto Mechanisms

    Transaction costs will reduce the attractiveness of the Kyoto Mechanisms compared to domestic abatement options. Especially the project-based mechanisms CDM and JI are likely to entail considerable costs of…

  3. Non-Refereed Journal // 2003

    Stellungnahme zum Steuervergünstigungsabbaugesetz und zu weiteren steuerlichen Maßnahmen

    On 21 February 2003, the Bundestag, the German Federal Parliament, passed the "Steuervergünstigungsabbaugesetz", a tax bill which intends to close a number of loopholes in the German tax code. With a focus on…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2003

    Deutschland ist kein Niedrigsteuerland

    A recent article presents effective corporate tax burdens for a number of countries. Its authors conclude that Germany can be considered to be a low tax country by international comparison, and that a tax reform…