1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 07-043 // 2007

    Harmonisierung der Konzernbesteuerung innerhalb und an den Außengrenzen der Europäischen Union

    In its study on company taxation the European Commission proposed to provide multinational companies with a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) for their EU-wide activities. The application of the…

  2. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2007

    August 2007

    • Stärke des Aufschwungs wird nachlassen
    • EZB: Unveränderte Haltung der Experten
    • USA: Fortsetzung der Zinspause erwartet
    • Japan: Wirtschaft bleibt auf Wachstumskurs
    • Großbritannien: Bank of England legt nach
    • Sonderfrage:…
  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 07-042 // 2007

    Which Program for Whom? Evidence on the Comparative Effectiveness of Public Sponsored Training Programs in Germany

    We use a new and exceptionally rich administrative data set for Germany to evaluate the employment effects of a variety of public sponsored training programs in the early 2000s. Building on the work of Sianesi…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 07-041 // 2007

    On the Definition of Unemployment and its Implementation in Register Data – The Case of Germany

    Unemployment information in individual level register data depends on institutional settings, administrative procedures and which registers are merged. In this paper we suggest different implementation…

  5. Discussion and Working Paper // 2007

    Age-Dependent Skill Formation and Returns to Education: Simulation Based Evidence

    This study integrates findings from neurobiology and psychology on early childhood development and self-regulation to assess returns to education. Our framework for evaluating the distribution of age-specific…

  6. ZEW-Gründungsreport // 2007

    Jahrgang 7, Nr. 1, Juli 2007

    • Hightech trotzt Abwärtssog
    • Akademische Spinoff-Gründungen: Enge Bindung an die Wissenschaft
  7. Financial Market Report CEE // 2007

    July 2007

    • Good Economic Situation for CEE Countries Will Continue
    • Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia: Very Good Economic Situation, Mixed Expectations
    • Croatia, Hungary, and Romania: Improvement of Economic Situation…