1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 01-08 // 2001

    The Employment Impact of Cleaner Production on the Firm Level: Empirical Evidence from a Survey in Five European Countries

    This paper analyses the determinants of employment reactions of firms when environmental innovations have been carried out. It differentiates hereby between employment increases and decreases. The data stem from…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 01-07 // 2001

    Environmental Taxation and Structural Change in an Open Economy - A CGE Analysis with Imperfect Competition and Free Entry

    The economic effects of environmental taxes depend on the market structure. Under imperfect competition with free entry and exit, environmental taxes have an impact on economies of scale by changing the number…

  3. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2001


    This book analyses the nature of the relationship between educational attainment and private earnings propsects in a comparative analysis for 15 European countries.

  4. ZEW Economic Studies Vol. 13 // 2001

    Econometric Evaluation of Labour Market Policies

    Empirical measurement of impacts of active labour market programmes has started to become a central task of economic researchers. New improved econometric methods have been developed that will probably…