1. Refereed Journal // 2001

    Empirical macro models under test. A comparative simulation study of the employment effects of a revenue neutral cut in social security contributions

    This paper examined the employment effects of a revenue neutral cut in the social security contribution rate in Germany by running policy simulations in four different types of macroeconomic models. Two models…

  2. ZEW-Wirtschaftsanalysen Contribution to Edited Volume Vol. 57 // 2001

    Zustand und Perspektiven osteuropäischer Aktienmärkte

  3. ZEW Economic Studies Vol. 14 // 2001

    Lead Markets

    This book suggests a new approach for explaining the international diffusion of innovations. Based on this new theory an applicable concept of new innovation market entry is presented. The Lead Market Concept…

  4. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2001

    Assessing the Costs of Compliance: The Kyoto Protocol