In this paper we analyse the effect of R&D co-operation on firms' innovation performance. We investigate the effect of past co-operation on current sales of innovative products, distinguishing between products…
This paper assesses the economic impacts of linking the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) to emerging schemes beyond Europe, in the presence of a post-Kyoto agreement in 2020. Simulations with a numerical…
Real options investment theory predicts current investment falls as uncertainty about market returns increases. In the case of R&D investment, which is usually considered an irreversible form of investment, this…
In einer Reihe empirischer Studien sind die Wirkungen von Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen (ABM) für Teilnehmer in Deutschland nach unterschiedlichen Gesichtspunkten mikroökonometrisch evaluiert worden. Auf der…
We analyze the wage effects of employment breaks of women entering motherhood using a novel within-firm matching approach where mothers' wages upon return to the job are compared with those of their female…