Analysis and Application of Innovative Instruments for Climate Change Adaptation Policy and Communication
Analysis and Application of Innovative Instruments for Climate Change Adaptation Policy and Communication
PIVO – Private Precautionary MeasuresPrivate precautionary measures constitute a significant part of different strategies aimed at reducing risks resulting from climate change. They complement technical-planning approaches or organisational-institutional ones, and are above all the responsibility of private households and companies. This is inter alia why the topic “private precautionary measures” has gained in relevance in empirical social research. The research project PIVO comprises three central research questions:- Which factors motivate private precautionary measures?- How do measures, services and products impact the motivation for private precautionary measures?- Might focusing on private precautionary measures also bring about new inequalities?To answer these research questions, the ZEW is primarily going to statistically evaluate longitudinal data sets on precautionary measures of private households in Germany.