Assessment and Dissemination Activity on Major Investment Opportunities for Renewable Electricity in Europe Using the REBUS Tool (ADMIRE-REBUS)

Assessment and Dissemination Activity on Major Investment Opportunities for Renewable Electricity in Europe Using the REBUS Tool (ADMIRE-REBUS)

The ADMIRE-REBUS project aims at reducing barriers to further development of renewable electricity production in the EU, particularly:

  • Uncertainty on the side of potential investors on the size and value of the EU green electricity market in the coming decade,
  • Lack of full knowledge on the major low-cost renewable electricity production locations in the EU.

The analyses carried out in this project will be based on an adapted version of the REBUS model (Renewable Electricity BUrden Sharing), developed during earlier EC-sponsored projects . Based on renewable electricity cost potential curves for each EU Member State, the REBUS model quantifies developments and effects of an ideal green electricity market in 2010. Results include the indicative green certificate price, the location of the most cost-efficient generation sites, and the type (and cost) of technologies deployed. The model adaptations include:

  • Introduction of intermediate target years,
  • Representing current and expected renewable electricity policies of all Member States
  • Incorporating transaction costs in the green electricity market
  • Elaborating on time constraints on deployment growth due to planning procedures and indus-try growth limits
  • Including differentiated investor return on capital requirements related to risk and uncertainty issues.

Project members

Tim Hoffmann

Tim Hoffmann

Project Coordinator
Senior Researcher

To the profile
Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Energie und Verkehr, Brüssel, BE