Economics of Climate Change – topic coordination: Climate protection: Instruments and policies after COP21

Economics of Climate Change – topic coordination: Climate protection: Instruments and policies after COP21

With their decisions on production, regulation and consumption, business, politics and society have a strong influence on how climate change will develop in the future. At the same time, we lack knowledge in various areas about the complex interrelationships in these areas and about the instruments with which climate protection can be implemented in practice.

Throughout Germany, various research projects within the BMBF funding priority "Economics of Climate Change II" are working on providing solution-oriented knowledge for climate economic issues. The ZEW coordinates five of these research projects within the framework of the "Dialogue on Climate Economics", which accompanies the research focus. These five research projects, which concentrate on "Climate Protection: Instruments and Policies after COP21", examine the question of which (climate) policy measures can be used to achieve the ambitious climate protection goals of the Paris Agreement. Long-term economic effects are investigated, as are the performance of the instruments, possible interactions between them and the social and political impacts of the measures.

The aim of the "Dialogue on Climate Economics" is to intensify the exchange between research and practice and to communicate the multitude of research results on climate economic issues beyond the specialist community. In this way, the understanding of climate-economic interrelationships is to be improved and a sound basis for decision-making for politics, business and society is to be developed.

Project members

Marc Frick

Marc Frick

Project Coordinator

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Achim Wambach

Achim Wambach


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Kathrine von Graevenitz

Kathrine von Graevenitz


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Martin Kesternich

Martin Kesternich

Research Associate

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Dr. Marc Frick
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