Das deutsche Transportgewerbe muss sich auf magere Zeiten einstellen. Ob Binnenschifffahrt, Luft- und Seeverkehr, Gütertransport auf der Strasse oder der Schiene,…
In the discussion on innovations for sustainable development, radical innovations are often seen as necessary to establish eco-efficient technological systems. It is assumed that only a regime shift from the…
The focus of the paper is on the individual decision of energy consumers, and it's relation to sustainable consumption. Consumer behavior is based on individual decisions, but it depends largely on supply-side…
The efficiency of electricity generation in hard coal fired power plants varies considerably from country to country and over time. These differences occur both between developing and developed countries and…
This paper presents a meta-analysis of 51 primary studies reporting a total of 114 genetically modified food valuation estimates. Results indicate that elicitation methods and formats used in the primary studies…