We analyse a principal-agent relationship in the context of international climate policy. Principals in two countries first decide whether to merge domestic emission permit markets to an international market,…
We investigate the immediate and subsequent effects of two prominent drivers of charitable giving: a charitable lottery and an income tax. Employing a modified two-round dictator game with the subject’s charity…
Climate policies have very uneven effects in terms of their fiscal impact. While mitigation of climate change typically raises revenues, adaptation is costly to the taxpayer, and the more so, the more …
Ambitionierte Klimapolitik führt zu strukturellen ökonomischen Veränderungen. Dieser Artikel untersucht, welche Verteilungseffekte daraus für private Haushalte entstehen und wie diese gemindert werden können.
Many public goods can be provided at different spatial levels. Evidence from social identity theory and in-group favoritism raises the possibility that where higher-level provision is more efficient, subjects'…