Publications of the Research Unit Environmental and Climate Economics

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-042 // 2014

    Direct and Indirect Effects of Weather Experiences on Life Satisfaction – Which Role for Climate Change Expectations?

    This paper deals with the effect of (i) damage experience from extreme weather events and (ii) expectations concerning future climate change on subjective wellbeing (SWB). We use data of a large representative…

  2. Non-Refereed Journal // 2014

    Ist die Energiewende sozial gerecht?

    The transition of the German energy system towards renewable energy carriers triggers considerable cost for private households. Costs are passed through to households by a surcharge per kWh. This effectively…

  3. ZEW-Energiemarktbarometer // 2014

    Juli/August 2014

    Die Auswirkungen der Ukraine-Krise auf die Energieversorgung Deutschlands und der EU

    Energiepreise in Deutschland

    • Stagnierende Energiepreise auf kurze Sicht erwartet
    • Mittelfristige Preiserwartungen für…
  4. Expertises // 2014

    Ökonomie des Klimawandels – Integrierte ökonomische Bewertung der Instrumente zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel

    This study has the overall objective to make proposals for action in the implementation of the National Adaptation Strategy of the German federal government addressing finance and incentive structures. On that…