Ökonomie des Klimawandels – Integrierte ökonomische Bewertung der Instrumente zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel
Expertises // 2014This study has the overall objective to make proposals for action in the implementation of the National Adaptation Strategy of the German federal government addressing finance and incentive structures. On that account, the current state of research on the economics of climate change and the adaptation to it is assessed, an overview on specific policy measures is given, and possible evaluation criteria of these instruments are created. By means of a illustrative multi-criterion analysis, specific instruments are evaluated. Furthermore, the study discusses how multi-criterion analysis could be applied to evaluate policies. Simultaneously, a refinement of economic modeling tools is presented in order to give a more sound foundation of the crucial criterion of cost efficiency, without neglecting the limitations of this method. Based on these findings, recommendations for the adjustment of existing policy instruments are derived and practical suggestions for the design of new instruments are identified. These recommendations explicitly consider social, economic and individual barriers, which frequently hamper the implementation of those measures. This work should provide an important contribution to the advancement of tools to identify practical policy measures to promote adaptation to climate change.
Schenker, Oliver, Tim Mennel, Daniel Osberghaus, Beyhan Ekinci, Christian Hengesbach, Alexander Sandkamp, Christian Kind, Jonas Savelsberg, Walter Kahlenborn, Mareike Buth, Maximilian Peters and Stefan Steyer (2014), Ökonomie des Klimawandels – Integrierte ökonomische Bewertung der Instrumente zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel, Umweltbundesamt (UBA), Dessau