Projects of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.04.1996 – 28.02.2002

    Technical progress, qualification and labor demand

    Technological progress in western economies has contributed to an immense rise in productivity, incomes and goods available over the last hundred years. Though not to the same extent as productivity and wages,…

  2. Project // 01.03.1996 – 30.04.1998

    Employment effects in the light of the transition from additive to integrated environmental technologies

    The study provides theoretically and empirically well founded assessments of the employment effects of environmental innovations, which are as such closely tied to the increased adoption of integrated…

  3. Project // 01.01.1995 – 31.12.1998

    Human Capital, Qualification Structure and Labour Market Effects in the Structural and Demographic Change

    The main aim of the project was to improve the theoretical and empirical understanding of the interdependency between education, innovation and the labour market. The firm level data of the Mannheim innovation…