Medium-sized Companies in the Corona Crisis Reflected in their Website Contents

Medium-sized Companies in the Corona Crisis Reflected in their Website Contents

The project comprises 4 modules: Module 1 contains the preparation of data of the Mannheim Enterprise Panel (MUP) and its provision for a Survey of German companies conducted by Kantar. In module 2 we analyse the websites of about 1.3 million German companies, which are also based on the MUP. The module includes 10 crawls of the companies’ webpages as well as their merge to the data of the MUP. The company webpages are searched for keywords related to Corona pandemic. For this step of analysis we use a specialized WebAI-engine of our cooperation partner The resulting indicators which result from’s web analysis are provided to ZEW and will ultimately be merged with MUP data. Module 3 comprises descriptive statistics of the web contents by size class, economic sector and region (districts & cities). Web indicators are also presented according to further company characteristics based on the MUP such as credit rating classes of companies before the start of the Corona crisis. In module 4 the dynamic adjustment of the web pages contents in the course of the first weeks of the crisis (mid-March to end of May) will be represented.

Project members

Georg Licht

Georg Licht

Project Coordinator
Research Associate

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Julian Oliver Dörr

Julian Oliver Dörr


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Jan Kinne

Jan Kinne

Advanced Researcher

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Sandra Gottschalk

Sandra Gottschalk

Senior Researcher

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Peter Winker

Peter Winker

Research Associate

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Cooperation partner
Justus Liebig University Giessen, Gießen, DE // UG, Mannheim, DE // Kantar GmbH, München, DE

Selected Publications


Georg Licht
Research Associate
Dr. Georg Licht
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