Meta-Study on the Role of Broadband Internet on Innovation, Productivity and Employment

Meta-Study on the Role of Broadband Internet on Innovation, Productivity and Employment

New ICT services like cloud computing, big data analytics, video on demand, e-health and e-government benefit from exponential growth of processing power and storage capacity. However, these services depend on increasingly powerful broadband infrastructures. The purpose of this project is to provide a multidimensional overview of the current empirical literature on the economic impact of broadband internet. This literature review supports decision-makers to make evidence-based investment decisions.

Project members

Thomas Niebel

Thomas Niebel

Project Coordinator
Senior Researcher

To the profile
Kai Hüschelrath

Kai Hüschelrath

Research Associate

To the profile
Wolfgang Briglauer

Wolfgang Briglauer

Senior Researcher

To the profile
Förderkreis Wissenschaft und Praxis am Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung e.V., Mannheim, DE