The ability of financial markets to bear risk is central to economic welfare and stability. Growth and economic wellbeing is inhibited if financial markets are unable to transfer resources efficiently from the…
The increasing international integration of labour markets can no longer be sufficiently described along industry sectors or skill categories based on educational achievements. Instead, technological innovations…
The project aims at assessing the economic relevance of credit scoring. The central topics are the usefulness of credit scores for the prediction of credit risks as well the effects of credit scoring on future …
In the recent decades, economic research has begun to intensively analyze the role of agents’ expectations for economic outcomes. Academic studies acknowledge that the link between a piece of information and…
Against the backdrop of the ongoing crisis in the Eurozone, the project has two objectives. First, the impact on the potential volume of work and thus on the potential output in the European crisis countries…
The Centre for European Economic research (ZEW), in co-operation with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), conducts a quarterly survey on Chinese economic development and economic ties between Germany and China. The …
The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) is a joint macro-regional strategy of the countries of the Danube Region and the European Commission. The EUSDR area includes the German Federal States…
The study is divided into three parts. Part 1 quantitatively investigates the adjustment paths of key economic variables in the European crisis countries with a particular focus on growth-relevant factors like…
This report examines the question of whether Argentina´s responses during its sovereign debt crisis, and its subsequent restructuring, are comparable to the behavior of other countries in similar situations. …