
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.04.2016 – 31.03.2019

    SEEK-Project 2016: Digital Marketplaces and Platforms

    Digital marketplaces and platforms are characterised by reduced costs for storing, searching for, and retrieving information. They also have low communication costs enabling remotely located partners to coordinate…

  2. Project // 01.04.2016 – 31.03.2019

    SEEK Project 2016: European Network on Better Institutions – ZEW ENBI

    The purpose of the SEEK project "European Network on Better Institutions – ZEW ENBI" is to establish a network of European research institutes under the direction of ZEW. This network shall carry out applied …

  3. Project // 01.04.2016 – 31.03.2017

    Collusion and Minority Shareholdings

    For a long time, merger control by competition authorities concentrated on the acquisition of major shares of companies or entire mergers while largely treating minority shareholdings as unproblematic. Only very…

  4. Project // 01.04.2016 – 31.05.2019

    SEEK-Project 2016: Fiscal and Labour Policy Institutions and Inequality

    This SEEK project aimed at a deeper understanding of inequalities both within and across regions in Germany and Europe. The project hence combines expertise in Regional Labour and Public Economics and mainly seeks…

  5. Project // 14.03.2016 – 31.12.2017

    The Quality of Employment and Firm Outcomes: a Panel Analysis of Recent Developments in German Establishments

    Jointly with a team around Professor Dirk Sliwka, University of Cologne, and Prof. Patrick Kampkötter, University of Tübingen, and on behalf of the Institute for Labour Market Research (IAB), this project develops…

  6. Project // 01.03.2016 – 31.12.2022

    Firm Dynamics and the Career Opportunities of Founders and Employees in New Ventures

    In this project, we analyse whether entrepreneurs are able to use former professional networks to recruit well-matched employees for their companies. Moreover, we examine how the closure of a young business…

  7. Project // 01.03.2016 – 31.01.2018

    BAK Taxation Index 2016/2017

    In the context of a growing international economic integration, taxation becomes a more and more central factor in the competition of regions and countries for international investment and skilled employees.…

  8. Project // 01.03. – 31.08.2016

    Changing Tasks and the Demand for Further Education in the Digital Transformation

    As a result of the fourth industrial revolution, the economy is increasingly becoming digitized and automated. In particular, the linkage between IT and business processes (Industry 4.0) provides firms with ever…

  9. Project // 01.03.2016 – 28.02.2017

    International Profit Shifting: Its main Channels and Countermeasures

    This project analyses in detail some aspects of the current taxation system and determines a few ways in which multinational enterprises might use its loopholes for tax-planning purposes. For example, it is…

  10. Project // 01.03.2016 – 31.10.2020

    Evaluation of the Federal Programme “Social Inclusion into the Labour Market”

    In this project, a research consortium evaluated the Federal programme “Social Inclusion into the Labour Market”. The objective of this programme was the promotion of social inclusion for long-term unemployed and…

  11. Project // 01.03.2016 – 31.03.2020

    Local Labour Markets: The Causes and Consequences of Spatial Differences in Labour Market Outcomes Across Cities in France and Germany

    This research project examines the causes and consequences of differences in local labour market outcomes in France and Germany. We systematically and comprehensively examine the roles of each side of the local…

  12. Project // 01.03.2016 – 31.03.2017

    Contribution to the Revision of the Oslo Manual

    The project is designed to contribute to the on-going revision process of the Oslo Manual (OM). The OM is a joint publication of OECD and Eurostat on the collection and interpretation of innovation…