The European Automotive Industry: Competitiveness, Challenges, and Future Strategies

The European Automotive Industry: Competitiveness, Challenges, and Future Strategies

The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive survey of the sources for competitiveness of the European automotive industry, the main challenges that the industry faces in sustaining and improving competitiveness in the medium to long term, and the strategies both at the corporate and the policy level that may be put forward in order to cope with these challenges. Depending on data availability we will consider the heterogeneity of the sector by looking at sub-sectors (e.g. cars, trucks, parts). The study will in particular:

  • determine, using key indicators, the current competitiveness of both the EU15 and the EU25 automotive industry as compared with those of Japan, US, Korea and emerging markets with potentially substantial automotive production (e.g. China );
  • identify key factors ( e.g. labour cost, productivity.)which have contributed positively and negatively to the current competitiveness of the EU15/25 automotive industry
  • identify areas where the industry has a strong competitive edge;
  • identify areas where the industry is weaker, less capable and less prepared to handle new demands;
  • examine the development of car markets in the new Member States and major markets in third countries;
  • identify the challenges (including those resulting from the forthcoming enlargement) facing the European automotive industry over the next 10-15 years in terms of production, innovation and technology, sustainability, globalisation, and social and infrastructural framework conditions;
  • identify what policy options are available at the European level, in particular to the Commission, to meet these challenges and enhance the competitiveness of the automotive industry;
  • identify strategies of European manufacturers.

Depending on data availability the analysis will cover the member states and subsectors. The analysis will also look at product related issues like alternative fuels and the increasing usage of ICT. We will also tackle the impact of global integration (trade, FDI) and several market related issues (such as consumer demand, taxation of cars, trucks and fuel).

The results indicates an overview of the European Automotive Industry and their future competitiveness.

Project members

Georg Licht

Georg Licht

Project Coordinator
Research Associate

To the profile
Alfred Spielkamp

Alfred Spielkamp

Research Associate

To the profile

Selected Publications

Europe's Automotive Industry on the Move

Heneric, Oliver, Georg Licht and Wolfgang Sofka (2005), Europe's Automotive Industry on the Move, Vol. 32, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg
