The Quality of Employment and Firm Outcomes: A Panel Analysis of Recent Developments in 600 German Establishments
The Quality of Employment and Firm Outcomes: A Panel Analysis of Recent Developments in 600 German Establishments
The empirical research on Human Resource Management depends highly on the data used. Panel data containing employer and employee perspectives are needed to analyze the causal impact of HRM strategies on firm performance and employee outcomes. Jointly with a team around Professor Dirk Sliwka, University of Cologne, and on behalf of the Institute for Labour Market Research (IAB), this project generates a linked employer-employee panel data-set for personnel economic research. In a survey of two waves, 600 German establishments will be asked after their human resource management strategies Additionally, a sample of the establishment’s employees will be asked after their employment quality and their perception of firm culture. The data will be linked with administrative data of the employment statistics and data from the IAB-establishment panel. Within the project we plan to analyze the relationship between firm performance, individual job quality and Human Resource Management (HRM). Especially the change processes over time within the HRM dimensions “recruiting and personnel planning”, “human resource development”, “performance management and compensation”, “commitment, values and firm culture” and “diversity and demography” are in the focus of the project. We will measure individual job quality by satisfaction, commitment to the employer, health status and objectively measurable work tasks and work environment. Besides descriptive evidence we will apply microeconometric methods to answer the following questions:• Which HRM instruments are used by the establishments?• How do HRM strategies develop over time?• Is there an impact of certain HRM strategies on firm performance? • Is there an impact of certain HRM strategies on employee’s attitudes, satisfaction, commitment and health status?• Are these effects sustainable?