ZEW Staff

Currently, the ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research employs a staff of 190, of which 2/3 are scientists. The interdisciplinary approach of the ZEW is reflected in the collaboration of economists and graduates in business management, economic engineers, and IT specialists, as well as scientists from other fields, e.g. jurists and natural scientists.


Kluger, Andreas

To the profile
Caroline Knebel-Seitz

Knebel-Seitz, Caroline

To the profile
Katharina Kober
International Co-operation and Public Relations Officer

Kober, Katharina

To the profile
Jan Köhler

Köhler, Jan

To the profile

Korde, Sergej

To the profile
Matthias Körnig

Körnig, Matthias

To the profile
Research Associate

Koster, Hans

To the profile
Research Information System

Kotte, Markus

To the profile
Research Associate

Kraft, Kornelius

To the profile
Research Associate

Krebs, Tom

To the profile
Tobias Kreuz

Kreuz, Tobias

To the profile
Tommy Krieger
Senior Researcher

Krieger, Tommy

To the profile
Bastian Krieger
Head of the Junior Research Group "Co-Creation"

Krieger, Bastian

To the profile
Joscha Krug

Krug, Joscha

To the profile
Research Associate

Kübler, Dorothea

To the profile
Research Associate

Kummer, Michael

To the profile
Research Associate

Laitenberger, Ulrich

To the profile
Research Associate

Lange, Andreas

To the profile
Martin Lange
Head of Junior Research Group

Lange, Martin

To the profile
Manuel Lauer

Lauer, Manuel

To the profile