ZEW Staff

Currently, the ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research employs a staff of 190, of which 2/3 are scientists. The interdisciplinary approach of the ZEW is reflected in the collaboration of economists and graduates in business management, economic engineers, and IT specialists, as well as scientists from other fields, e.g. jurists and natural scientists.

Research Associate

Wagner, Ulrich

To the profile
Research Associate

Waldfogel, Joel

To the profile
Johannes Walter

Walter, Johannes

To the profile
Achim Wambach

Wambach, Achim

To the profile

Wang, Jiangting

To the profile
Research Associate

Ward, Michael R.

To the profile
Research Associate

Weber, Andrea

To the profile
Research Associate

Weber, Martin

To the profile
Stefan Weck

Weck, Stefan

To the profile
Junior Research Associate

Wehrhöfer, Nils

To the profile
Junior Research Associate

Wenzel, Tobias

To the profile
Research Associate

Werner, Peter

To the profile
Madeline Werthschulte
Junior Research Associate

Werthschulte, Madeline

To the profile
Research Associate

Westerheide, Peter

To the profile
Sophia Wickel

Wickel, Sophia

To the profile
Research Associate

Wilke, Ralf

To the profile
Thomas Wirth
Lawyer, Data Protection Officer

Wirth, Thomas

To the profile
Research Associate

Wolak, Frank A.

To the profile
Research Associate

Wörter, Martin

To the profile
Research Associate

Woywode, Michael

To the profile