ZEW Staff Present Christmas Gifts to Children and Teenagers from Wespin-Stift (Dorothea Wespin Foundation Mannheim)
Dates and NewsMembers of staff of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) arranged a little Christmas party for children and teenagers from Wespin-Stift children’s home in Mannheim. On December 17, some 30 children and teenagers who live at the care facility were invited to ZEW. Over punch and stollen, ZEW employees gave the guests their Christmas gifts. The children and teenagers expressed their gratitude by singing Christmas songs and reciting poems.
The event was initiated by ZEW members of staff, who also took care of the gifts. "The kids were so happy about the party and the gifts, and we also enjoyed the afternoon very much", says Priska Flörsch, who had had the idea to organise the event.
For further information please contact
Priska Flörsch, Phone +49 (0)621 1235-261, E-mail floersch@zew.de