
  1. Guests at ZEW // 15.09.2015

    Prof. Van Anh Vuong, PhD, Visiting Researcher at ZEW

    Professor Van Anh Vuong, PhD, was a visiting researcher at ZEW's Research Department "Industrial Economics and International Management” from August 24 to 28, 2015. She is Assistant Professor for applied…
  2. ZEW Lunch Debate in Brussels // 11.09.2015

    ZEW Lunch Debate in Brussels Puts European Fiscal Rules Under the Microscope

    The sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone has prompted the architects of conventional European fiscal rules to show some particular creativity. In order to take control of the situation, existing fiscal policy…
  3. Dates and News // 10.09.2015

    ZEW to Contribute Actively to 2015 VfS Annual Conference

    The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) contributed actively to the 2015 Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS, German Economic Association) held at the University of Münster from 6 to…
  4. Dates and News // 04.09.2015

    2015 DFG Funding Atlas Shows ZEW's Strong Position in the 7th EU Framework Programme

    The recently published "Funding Atlas 2015" of the German Research Foundation (DFG) has impressively confirmed ZEW’s strong research focus on European issues. According to the DFG funding ranking, the Mannheim…
  5. Comment // 25.08.2015

    Stock Market Turmoil in China - ZEW Researchers Recommend Extension of Investment Types for Households in China

    Following the plunge in stock prices in China and the subsequent slump of the leading index at US stock markets, the German DAX has recently also dropped below the 10,000-point mark. With a view on the economic…
  6. Guests at ZEW // 24.08.2015

    Tianyu Zhang Visiting Researcher at ZEW

    Zhang is a visiting researcher at ZEW's Research Department "Industrial Economics and International Management” from August 6 to September 30, 2015. He is a Doctoral Researcher at the Düsseldorf Institute for…
  7. Conferences // 21.08.2015

    Conference on Competition and Innovation

    In March 2011, ZEW, the Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI), the University of Mannheim and the WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management hosted the conference "Public and Private Enforcement…
  8. Events // 21.08.2015

    2015 Beijing Humboldt Forum in Cooperation with ZEW

    The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation jointly organise this year's Beijing Humboldt Forum on…