Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Arbeitsmärkte und Sozialversicherungen

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-009 // 2007

    Long-Run Effects of Training Programs for the Unemployed in East Germany

    Public sector sponsored training was implemented at a large scale during the transition process in East Germany. Based on new administrative data, we estimate the differential effects of three different programs…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-010 // 2007

    Educational Expansion and its Heterogeneous Returns for Wage Workers

    The paper examines the evolution of returns to education in the West German labour market over the last two decades. During this period, graduates from the period of educational expansion in the sixties and…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-008 // 2007

    Still Searching for the Wage Curve: Evidence from Germany and Italy

    This paper investigates the functioning of regional labour markets in Italy and Germany for different employee groups. In the light of high and persistent differences in unemployment and wage rates between the…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-007 // 2007

    New Insights on Unemployment Duration and Post Unemployment Earnings in Germany: Censored Box-Cox Quantile Regression at Work

    In light of nonstationary search theory (van den Berg, 1990), this paper estimates the effects of benefit entitlement periods and the size of unemployment ben- efits on unemployment durations and…

  5. ZEWnews // 2007

    01/02 - 2007

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-004 // 2007

    Violence in European Schools: Victimization and Consequences

    Violence at schools is a well-known problem in many societies. This paper assesses the degree of school violence in 11 European countries and analyzes the determinants of being a victim and its effect on student…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-001 // 2007

    Do Hiring Subsidies Reduce Unemployment Among the Elderly? Evidence From Two Natural Experiments

    We estimate the effects of hiring subsidies for older workers on transitions from unemployment to employment in Germany. Using a natural experiment, our first set of estimates is based on a legal change…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-002 // 2007

    Das Mannheimer Grundsicherungsmodell - der Weg zu einer effizienteren und gerechteren Grundsicherung ohne Absenkung des Arbeitslosengeld II-Niveaus

    Wie lässt sich die Grundsicherung in Deutschland effizienter und gerechter ausgestalten, wenn das Arbeitslosengeld II aus politischen Gründen nicht generell gesenkt werden soll und keine zusätzlichen unteren…