Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Arbeitsmärkte und Sozialversicherungen

  1. ZEWnews // 2018

    06 - 2018

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 18-030 // 2018

    Do Digital Information Technologies Help Unemployed Job Seekers Find a Job? Evidence from the Broadband Internet Expansion in Germany

    This paper studies effects of the introduction of a new digital mass medium on reemployment of unemployed job seekers. We combine data on high-speed (broadband) internet availability at the local level with…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 18-029 // 2018

    Unemployment and Social Exclusion

    This paper analyzes the economic and social consequences of job loss which contribute to exclusion from society based on German linked survey and administrative data. To study the causal relationship between…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 18-028 // 2018

    Gender, Informal Employment and Trade Liberalization in Mexico

    We study how trade liberalization affects formal employment across gender. We propose a theoretical mechanism to explain how male and female formal employment shares can respond differently to trade…

  5. ZEWnews // 2018

    05 - 2018