Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Arbeitsmärkte und Sozialversicherungen

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-085 // 2015

    Student Employment: Advantage or Handicap for Academic Achievement?

    We estimate the effects of student employment on academic performance. Performance is measured by grades achieved one and a half years after entering university. We use the amount of financial aid students…

  2. ZEWnews English edition // 2015

    11/12 - 2015

    • Top Ten Digital Economies – United States in the Lead, Germany in Mid-Range
    • The University Degree Attainment Indicator is Not Suitable for International Comparison
    • Taxation in the Far East – Why the Asia-Pacific…
  3. Discussion und Working Paper // 2015

    Measuring the Use of Human Resources Practices and Employee Attitudes: The Linked Personnel Panel

    Dieses Paper stellt eine neue Datenquelle vor, das Linked Personnel Panel (LPP), welche für Forscher in den Bereichen Personalmanagement und Personalökonomie verfügbar ist. Das LPP ist ein repräsentativer…