Vor dem Hintergrund des steigenden Kostendrucks und eines Rekorddefizits der gesetzlichen Pflegeversicherung von 400 Mio. € in 2002 setzt die Rürup-Kommission in ihren Reformplänen für die gesetzliche…
While there is a broad literature on the general wage effect of training, little is known about the effects of different training forms and about the effects for heterogeneous training participants. This…
The paper investigates whether (unsubsidised) fixed-term contracts (FTCs) are a means of integration for the unemployed in the West German labour market. This is done by analysing whether entering into an FTC…
This paper measures the productivity impact of management-led participative establishment practices. On the basis of a representative German establishment data set, the IAB establishment panel, the study finds…
Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, die wesentlichen bildungspolitischen Erfahrungen der letzten Jahrzehnte in Frankreich darzustellen und im Hinblick auf die bildungspolitische Debatte in Deutschland zu bewerten. …
Despite the apparent stability of the wage bargaining institutions in West Germany, aggregate union membership has been declining dramatically since the early 90's. However, aggregate gross membership numbers…
This paper analyses the link between educational attainment and unemployment risk in a French-German comparison, based on a discrete time competing risks hazard rate model applied to comparable microdata sets. …