Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Arbeitsmärkte und Sozialversicherungen

  1. ZEW-Wachstums- und Konjunkturanalysen // 2006

    Nr. 2 (Juni) - 2006

    • Positive konjunkturelle Entwicklung für das Jahr 2006 erwartet
    • Die Voraussichtliche Lage in der EWU
    • Ergebnisse der Maiumfrage 2006
    • Positive Beschäftigungseffekte trotz gedämpfter Konjunkturentwicklung
    • Die…
  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 06-034 // 2006

    Aggregate Unemployment Decreases Individual Returns to Education

    On the basis of a theoretical model, we argue that higher aggregate unemployment affects individual returns to education. We therefore include aggregate unemployment and an interaction term between unemployment…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 06-031 // 2006

    Rising Wage Dispersion, After All! The German Wage Structure at the Turn of the Century

    Using register data from the IAB employment sample, this paper studies the wage structure in the German labor market throughout the years 1992{2001. Wage dispersion has generally been rising. The increase was…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 06-027 // 2006

    Peer Effects in European Primary Schools: Evidence from PIRLS

    We estimate peer effects for fourth graders in six European countries. The identification relies on variation across classes within schools. We argue that classes within primary schools are formed roughly…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 06-026 // 2006

    Private Job Placement Services – A Microeconometric Evaluation for Germany

    In recent years, coinciding with the discussion led in many OECD countries, Germany has started to contract out placement services for the unemployed to private agencies. Whereas in the Netherlands and Australia…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 06-025 // 2006

    Wage and Productivity Effect of Continuing Training in Germany: A Sectoral Analysis

    Wage and productivity effects of training are compared to study how the training rent is shared between employers and employees. With panel data from 1996-2002, I analyse the impact of continuing training on…