Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Digitale Ökonomie

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-039 // 2007

    Implications of Network Convergence on Local Access Regulation in the U.S. and the EU

    This paper provides an overview of telecommunications regulation in the U.S. and in Europe. For each region the history of telecommunications regulations as well as the current regulatory regime is portrayed.…

  2. ZEWnews // 2007

    06 - 2007

  3. ZEW-Wachstums- und Konjunkturanalysen // 2007

    Nr. 2 (Juni) - 2007

    • Anhaltende Dynamik der konjunkturellen Entwicklung in Deutschland
    • Die voraussichtliche Lage in der EWU
    • ZEW-Finanzmarkttest: Ergebnisse der Maiumfrage 2007
    • Dienstleister der Informationsgesellschaft: Unternehmen…
  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-033 // 2007

    Explaining Women's Success: Technological Change and the Skill Content of Women's Work

    The closing of the gender wage gap is an ongoing phenomenon in industrialized countries. However, research has been limited in its ability to understand the causes of these changes, due in part to an inability…

  5. ZEWnews // 2007

    05 - 2007

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-020 // 2007

    The Returns to Pencil Use Revisited

    The increased diffusion of computers is one of the fundamental changes at workplaces in recent decades. While the majority of workers now spend a substantial fraction of their working day with a computer,…

  7. ZEWnews // 2007

    04 - 2007

  8. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2007

    Jahrgang 6, Nr. 1 , April 2007

    Dienstleister der Informationsgesellschaft weiterhin optimistisch

    Im ersten Quartal 2007 ist der ZEW-IDI, Stimmungsindikator für den Wirtschaftszweig Dienstleister der Informationsgesellschaft, leicht um 0,5…