Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Marktdesign

  1. ZEWnews English edition // 2018

    07/08 - 2018

  2. ZEWnews // 2018

    05 - 2018

  3. Discussion und Working Paper // 2018

    Endogenous Worst-Case Beliefs in First-Price Auctions

    Bidding in first-price auctions crucially depends on the beliefs of the bidders. We analyze bidding behavior in a first-price auction in which the knowledge of the bidders about the distribution of the values…

  4. Discussion und Working Paper // 2018

    Strategies Under Distributional and Strategic Uncertainty

    I investigate the decision problem which arises in a game of incomplete information under two different types of uncertainty - uncertainty about other players’ type distributions and about other players’…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 18-003 // 2018

    The Fall and Rise of Market Power in Europe

    This paper presents an analysis of the recent developments of average market power in Europe by using a broad firm-level database for EU member states. To indicate competitive pressure at the firm-level, markups…