Angesichts steigender Hochwasserrisiken gewinnen private Schutzmaßnahmen auf Haus-haltsebene an Relevanz. Wir untersuchen die technische und verhaltensbasierte Hochwasser-vorsorge von mehr als 3.200 privaten…
Flood insurance helps to cope with the risk of flooding, but take-up rates are relatively low. Insurance density could rise if index-based insurance (IBI) were provided as an alternative to traditional…
We apply a quadratic expenditure system to estimate price and expenditure elasticities of residential energy demand (electricity and heating) in Germany. Using official expenditure data from 1993 to 2008, we…
Functional panels are collections of functional time series, and arise often in the study of high frequency multivariate data. We develop a portmanteau style test to determine if the cross-sections of such a…