Relative prices determine competitiveness of different locations. In this paper, we focus on the role of regulatory differences between Germany and other EU countries which affect the shadow price of carbon…
Current corporate disclosures regarding carbon emissions lack generally accepted accounting rules. The carbon accrual accounting system described here takes the rules of historical cost accounting for operating…
Policymakers regularly rely on public financial institutions and government offices to provide loans to clean energy projects. However, the market failures that public loan provision addresses and the role it…
This study leverages a large RCT to examine the potential of goal-setting nudges to encourage resource conservation at scale. We randomize a feature that allows subjects to set themselves energy consumption…
Nach einer Idee des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums sollen die Industriestrompreise für energieintensive Unternehmen bis 2030 für 80 Prozent des jeweiligen Verbrauchs in Form eines Brückenstrompreises gedeckelt…
Marcel Mauss wrote in 1924 in his essay The Gift that he found in the motives for the exchange of gifts in "archaic" societies "one of the human rocks on which our societies are built". This thesis raises…
Klimawandel, Artensterben, Energie- und Rohstoffmangel sind globale Herausforderungen, die unmittelbar mit unserer Wirtschaftsweise verbunden sind. Sie betreffen unser Dasein im Kern und gefährden die…
Based on panel data on around 5500 German households, this article analyzes whether the experience of financial losses due to the Corona pandemic has affected three kinds of personal traits and preferences: the…