Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Umwelt- und Klimaökonomik

  1. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2015

    Policy-Induced Environmental Technology and Inventive Efforts: Is There a Crowding Out?

    Substantial policy effort is devoted to stimulate environmentally friendly technology through regulation and subsidies. Since innovation is a crucial productivity driver, a potential crowding out of inventive…

  2. ZEWnews // 2015

    05 - 2015

    • Staatsschuldenkrise in Europa - Die Art einer Umschuldung ist entscheidend
    • Bankenregulierung in Europa weitet die Nachfrage nach Staatsanleihen aus
    • Kinderbetreuung und Jobqualität fördern Rückkehr von Müttern ins…
  3. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2015

    Measuring Fuel Poverty: General Considerations and Application to German Household Data

    Indicators of energy affordability and fuel poverty are a powerful tool to identify the most vulnerable households and to avoid imposing excessive burdens by climate policy. Fuel-poverty measurement consists of…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-025 // 2015

    A Political Economy of China's Export Restrictions on Rare Earth Elements

    We investigate why governments restrict exports of exotic raw materials taking rare earth elements as a case study. Trade restrictions on exotic materials do not have immediate macroeconomic effects. Relocating…

  5. ZEWnews English edition // 2015

    03/04 - 2015

    • Leniency Programmes as an Instrument for Uncovering Cartels in Europe
    • The Downside of the Energy Transition
    • Regulation Is Impeding the Growth of Fibre-Optic Networks in Europe
    • Innovation Saves Jobs During Downturns