1. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2023

    Conditional macroeconomic survey forecasts: Revisions and errors

    Using data from the European Central Bank's Survey of Professional Forecasters and ECB/Eurosystem staff projections, we analyze the role of ex-ante conditioning variables for macroeconomic forecasts. In…

  2. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2023

    Estimating pass-through rates for the 2022 tax reduction on fuel prices in Germany

    We analyze the effectiveness of the German tax reduction on fuel prices (‘Tankrabatt’) that was introduced for three months, starting on 1 June 2022. We use the synthetic difference-in-differences estimator to…

  3. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2023

    The cost of strategy-proofness in school choice

    We compare the outcomes of the most prominent strategy-proof and stable algorithm (Deferred Acceptance, DA) and the most prominent strategy-proof and Pareto optimal algorithm (Top Trading Cycles, TTC) to the…