Germany’s 2019 Digital Healthcare Act (Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetz, or DVG) created a number of opportunities for the digital transformation of the healthcare delivery system. Key among these was the…
We estimate short-term capital-market effects of unionization efforts at publicly-listed firms and their subsidiaries in the United States between 2011 and 2019. Our short-horizon event study reports significant…
We study multi-category housing allocation problems: A set of objects, which is sorted into categories of equal size, has to be allocated to a set of individuals, such that everyone obtains exactly one object from…
This paper proposes a novel estimator for nonparametric instrumental regression while controlling for additive two-way fixed effects. In particular, the Landweber–Fridman regularization, to overcome the…
This study leverages a large RCT to examine the potential of goal-setting nudges to encourage resource conservation at scale. We randomize a feature that allows subjects to set themselves energy consumption…
Clustering of the two most competitive bids in first-price auctions can be indicative of collusive behavior. However, it can also reflect non-cooperative strategies under complete information. I propose a simple…
In May 2018, a new regulation, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), on data protection came in the European Union into force. It requires firms to update their data protection strategy and may…