ZEW Discussion Papers


Mit diesen Beiträgen, die überwiegend in Englisch verfasst sind, beteiligen sich die Forscher/innen des ZEW an wissenschaftlichen Fachdebatten. Die Publikationen enthalten vorläufige Beiträge, die zur Veröffentlichung in Fachzeitschriften vorgesehen sind. Die Discussion Papers können ab 1.1.1998 als pdf-Datei abgerufen werden. Sie richten sich an nationale und internationale Zielgruppen.

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-056 // 2024

    Trade in Services and Innovation

    We study the implications of services trade for firm innovation. Using a quasi-experimental shift-share design, we find that access to foreign knowledge-related services improves the innovativeness of domestic…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-055 // 2024

    The Interplay Between Public Procurement of Innovation and R&D Grants: Empirical Evidence From Belgium

    This paper investigates the impact of Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) and Research and Development (R&D) grants on firms' R&D investment using data from Belgian R&D-active firms over the past decade. Our…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-054 // 2024

    Nudging for Tax Compliance: A Meta-Analysis

    Governments increasingly use nudges to improve tax collection. We synthesize the growing literature that evaluates nudging experiments using meta-analytical methods. We find that simple reminders increase the…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-053 // 2024

    Big Data and Firm-Level Productivity – A Cross-Country Comparison

    Until today, the question of how digitalisation and, in particular, individual digital technologies affect productivity is still the subject of controversial debate. Using administrative firm-level data provided…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-052 // 2024

    Early Life Conditions, Time Preferences, and Savings

    This study examines how early-life exposure to food scarcity influences individuals’ long-term time preferences and savings behavior. To this end, we analyze hand-collected historical data on livestock…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-051 // 2024

    Mandated Data-sharing in Hybrid Marketplaces

    We study a hybrid marketplace where a vertically integrated platform competes with a seller in a horizontally differentiated downstream market. The platform has a data advantage and can price discriminate…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-050 // 2024

    On the Role of EU Cohesion Policy for Climate Policy

    Cohesion policy in the European Union (EU) has been widely accepted as a tool to advance the catch-up process, i.e., helping member countries with lower GDP per capita to grow faster economically in order to…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-049 // 2024

    Product Differentiation and Quality in Production Function Estimation

    Production functions provide a mapping from the firms’ input quantity and productivity to output quantity. This mapping only generates unbiased estimates if input and output quality variation within and between…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-048 // 2024

    Constraining and Enabling Factors of a Successful Regional Policy in Europe

    Recent papers show that the impact of Cohesion Policy is not uniform in space but larger, smaller or insignificant depending on the regions. These outcomes mostly depend on the characteristics of each territory…

Kontakt für Bestellungen

Kerstin Heres

Kerstin Heres

Informations- und Wissensmanagement, Vertrieb E-Mail kerstin.heres@zew.de Telefon +49 (0)621 1235-130
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