ZEW Discussion Papers


Mit diesen Beiträgen, die überwiegend in Englisch verfasst sind, beteiligen sich die Forscher/innen des ZEW an wissenschaftlichen Fachdebatten. Die Publikationen enthalten vorläufige Beiträge, die zur Veröffentlichung in Fachzeitschriften vorgesehen sind. Die Discussion Papers können ab 1.1.1998 als pdf-Datei abgerufen werden. Sie richten sich an nationale und internationale Zielgruppen.

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-44 // 1999

    Law Enforcement and Criminality: Europe vs. USA

    We use a stylized model to show that, if transfers to the poor are founded on a security argument, there is a negative trade-off between law enforcement expenditures and criminality. In contrast, if transfers…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-42 // 1999

    Federations Alternative Tax Constitutions and Risky Education

    We analyze a two-period model, where risk-averse students divide their time between risky education, leisure and work. The education can migrate. Wage-tax financed transfer to students acts as an insurance, and…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-41 // 1999

    Public Procurement in the Presence of Capital Taxation

    The paper considers governments' public procurement decision as a way of influencing industry structure. In a federation in which capital is mobile and capital taxation is harmonized, a home bias in public…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-40 // 1999

    Wages in the East German Transition Process - Facts and Explanations

    We analyze wage developments in the East German transition process both at the macro and at the microeconomic level. At the macroeconomic level, we draw special attention to the important distinction between…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-39 // 1999

    Tax Competition and Tax Structure in Open Federal Economies: Evidence from OECD Countries with Implications for the European Union

    Tax competition arguments suggest that a government that operate in an open economy (such as local governments) should not and will not rely on non-benefit taxes, such as the income tax. Yet we observe reliance…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-38 // 1999

    Estimating the Effects of Public Training on Polish Unemployment by Way of the Augmented Matching Function Approach

    We analyse Polish active labour market policy (ALMP) training programmes from a macroeconomic (regional) point of view. The effects of training programmes on the outflows from unemployment and the effects of all…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-37 // 1999

    Institutional Investment in Central and Eastern Europe: Investment Criteria of Western Portfolio Managers

    This study provides detailed evidence on the recent transitionstate of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. It draws on data froma survey conducted among portfolio managers ofWestern investment funds…

Kontakt für Bestellungen

Kerstin Heres

Kerstin Heres

Informations- und Wissensmanagement, Vertrieb E-Mail kerstin.heres@zew.de Telefon +49 (0)621 1235-130
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