ZEW Discussion Papers


Mit diesen Beiträgen, die überwiegend in Englisch verfasst sind, beteiligen sich die Forscher/innen des ZEW an wissenschaftlichen Fachdebatten. Die Publikationen enthalten vorläufige Beiträge, die zur Veröffentlichung in Fachzeitschriften vorgesehen sind. Die Discussion Papers können ab 1.1.1998 als pdf-Datei abgerufen werden. Sie richten sich an nationale und internationale Zielgruppen.

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-67 // 2002

    Family and Gender Still Matter: The Heterogeneity of Returns to Education in Germany

    Using information on family background, we estimate returns to education, allowing for the heterogeneity of returns. In order to control for the unobserved heterogeneity shared by family members, we construct…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-66 // 2002

    A Stigler View on Banking Supervision

    The system of banking supervision in Europe is undergoing substantial reforms. According to Stigler's capture theory regulation often follows the preferences of producers. Therefore, the interests of the…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-65 // 2002

    Comparison Between Unitary and Collective Models of Household Labor Supply With Taxation

    Several recent papers have shown the relevance of collective models for the empirical investigation of household labor supply and consumption. Yet the estimation of collective models in the presence of …

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-64 // 2002

    Almost Consistent Estimation of Panel Probit Models with ‘Small’ Fixed Effects

    We propose four different GMM estimators that allow almost consistent estimation of the structural parameters of panel probit models with fixed effects for the case of small T and large N. The moments used are…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-63 // 2002

    The Empirical Assessment of Technology Differences: Comparing the Comparable

    This paper compares technologies across space and time on the basis of factual and counterfactual substitution elasticities and argues that differences in estimated substitution elasticities should be decomposed…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-62 // 2002

    Assessing Voluntary Commitments: Monitoring is Not Enough!

    This paper deals with a special type of voluntary approach to protect the environment, for example, that we would like to term voluntary commitment. Its major characteristic is that it represents a unilateral…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-61 // 2002

    The Effects of Quotas on Vertical Intra-Industry Trade

    A quota on foreign competition will generally lead to quality-upgrading (downgrading) of the low-quality (high-quality) firm, an increase in average quality, a reduction of quality differentiation, and a…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-60 // 2002

    The Rationale for Wage Rigidity: Survey Evidence from German and US Firms

    The study provides evidence for the rationale of wage rigidity in Germany compared to the United States. Based on a survey of 801 firms, we extend the study of Campbell and Kanlani (1997, this journal) by…

Kontakt für Bestellungen

Kerstin Heres

Kerstin Heres

Informations- und Wissensmanagement, Vertrieb E-Mail kerstin.heres@zew.de Telefon +49 (0)621 1235-130
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