I consider a repeated auction setting with colluding buyers and a seller who adjusts reserve prices over time without long-term commitment. To model the seller’s concern for collusion, I introduce a new…
Co-investment, often seen as a remedy for agency problems, may incentivize managers to cater to own preferences. We provide evidence that mutual fund managers with considerable co-investment stakes alter…
We compare the outcomes of the most prominent strategy-proof and stable algorithm (Deferred Acceptance, DA) and the most prominent strategy-proof and Pareto optimal algorithm (Top Trading Cycles, TTC) to the…
Based on panel data on around 5500 German households, this article analyzes whether the experience of financial losses due to the Corona pandemic has affected three kinds of personal traits and preferences: the…
Marktdesign oder auch die Kunst, gut funktionierende Märkte aktiv zu gestalten. Wie kann das erreicht werden? Dieser Frage widmet sich der Forschungsbereich „Marktdesign“ am ZEW Mannheim und untersucht, wie die…
This study provides an overview of current political developments in the tax competition debate, emphasizing the consequences for large German family businesses. We analyze new tax competition trends in Europe…
Numerous multinational firms have recently pledged to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to a net-zero position by the year 2050. These pledges currently lack a unified measurement and reporting structure,…