Die „Schaffung gleichwertiger Lebensverhältnisse“ ist erklärtes Ziel deutscher Regionalpolitik. Betrachtet man den wohl gängigsten Indikator zur Messung des Wohlstands, das Bruttoinlandsprodukt pro Kopf, so…
In the intensifying public debate about limiting the harmful effects of climate change, many global corporations have recently articulated so-called “net-zero” goals for reducing and ultimately eliminating their…
Based on survey responses from more than 1,700 managers in Germany, this study elicits employers’ perceptions of working from home during COVID-19 and their long-term expectations for the time after the…
Building up sufficient capital for old-age provision often is a challenge for private households. For homeowners, one way to generate old-age income from illiquid housing wealth is the use of equity release…
We use event study regressions to compare the impact of EU monetary versus fiscal policy announcements on government bond spreads of ten euro member countries. Our motivation is to evaluate which of the…
The proximity framework has attracted considerable attention in a scholarly discourse on the driving forces of knowledge exchange tie formation. It has been discussed that too much proximity is negatively…