Women are less likely to correctly answer the “Big-3” financial literacy questions, and a substantial share of the gap reflects women’s lower confidence. In our experiment, women are more likely to choose “do…
We examine a setting of independent private value auctions where bidders can covertly acquire gradual information about their valuations. We demonstrate that a dynamic pivot mechanism implements the rst-best…
Ein ereignisreiches Jahr liegt hinter uns, und mit dieser letzten Ausgabe des ZEW Monthly 2024 blicken wir auf die vergangenen zwölf Monate am ZEW zurück. Wir präsentieren Ihnen eine Auswahl an Highlights aus…
We study how households adjust their medium-term inflation expectations under the new ECB inflation targeting strategy. Survey respondents make little difference between the previous strategy of targeting…
This paper examines the legal consequences and assesses the economic impact of the differing tax treatment of investment funds in Portugal, Germany, and Luxembourg before and after the Allianzgi-Fonds case…
We construct a novel dataset of human capital accumulation in China and India from 1900 to 2020 by combining historical records and educational reports to analyze the role of education in economic divergence.…
2024 war kein ruhiges Jahr: Die deutsche Autoindustrie geht durch eine schwere Absatzkrise, nach der Wahl Donald Trumps zum Präsidenten der USA deutet alles auf wirtschaftlichen Protektionismus hin und in…
Many industrialized countries have recognized the need to mitigate energy cost increases faced by low-income households by fostering the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. How to meet this need is an…
We propose an EU Safe Generative AI Innovation Program to address a market failure in generative AI development. While developers can capture significant value from generative AI capability improvements, they…