This paper proposes a novel estimator for nonparametric instrumental regression while controlling for additive two-way fixed effects. In particular, the Landweber–Fridman regularization, to overcome the…
This paper investigates a unique policy designed to maintain employment during the privatization of East German firms after the fall of the Iron Curtain. The policy required new owners of the firms to commit to…
Die schnell voranschreitende Digitalisierung bietet als Enabler enorme Chancen für mehr Energieeffizienz und die Integration von Erneuerbaren Energien – und damit für Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit. Gleichzeitig…
This study leverages a large RCT to examine the potential of goal-setting nudges to encourage resource conservation at scale. We randomize a feature that allows subjects to set themselves energy consumption…
Clustering of the two most competitive bids in first-price auctions can be indicative of collusive behavior. However, it can also reflect non-cooperative strategies under complete information. I propose a simple…
In May 2018, a new regulation, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), on data protection came in the European Union into force. It requires firms to update their data protection strategy and may…
On February 28, 2023, the European Union (EU) reached a political agreement on a future regulation of green bonds, the European Green Bond Standard (EU GBS). Last Friday, the European Parliament officially…
We study the economic consequences of anti-loss trafficking rules, which disallow the use of loss carry-forwards as tax shield after a substantial ownership change. We use staggered changes to anti-loss…