1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-033 // 2019

    Environmental Innovation and Firm Profitability – An Analysis with Respect to Firm Size

    This paper investigates the effect of environmental innovations on firm profitability with respect to differences between small and medium-sized (SME) and large (LE) enterprises. Using data from the Mannheim…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-032 // 2019

    Expectations of Reciprocity when Competitors Share Information: Experimental Evidence

    Informal exchange of information among competitors has been well-documented in a variety of industries, and one's expectation of reciprocity shown to be a key determinant. We use an indeterminate horizon…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-031 // 2019

    How Marginal is Lignite? Two Simple Approaches to Determine Price-Setting Technologies in Power Markets

    The impact of energy and climate policies often depends on how the market reacts to the policy, i.e. in terms of prices or costs for downstream industries. Economic theory tells us that in power markets, prices…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-030 // 2019

    Sequential Procurement with Limited Commitment

    We analyze the problem of a buyer who chooses a supplier for a long-term relationship via an auction. The buyer lacks commitment to not renegotiate the terms of the contract in the long run. Thus, suppliers are…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-029 // 2019

    The 2011 Break in the Part-Time Indicator and the Evolution of Wage Inequality in Germany

    German social security records involve an indicator for part-time or full-time work. In 2011, the reporting procedure was changed suggesting that a fraction of worker recorded to be working full-time before the…

  6. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2019

    September 2019

    • Rezessionswahrscheinlichkeit steigt an
    • Eurozone: Abwärtstrend bei den Erwartungen setzt sich fort
    • USA: Konjunkturerwartungen brechen ein
    • Japan: Konjunkturerwartungen verschlechtern sich deutlich
    • Großbritan…
  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-028 // 2019

    State Mandates on Renewable Heating Technologies and the Housing Market

    We study the effect of a state level mandate on renewable heating technologies on the housing market. The mandate requires a minimum share of 10 % renewable energy sources when changing the heating system in the…

  8. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2019

    2. Quartal 2019

    • Gutes Geschäftsklima in der IKT-Branche
    • Unternehmen ersetzen Dienstreisen häufig durch Telefon- und Videokonferenzen